A yahrzeit is the annual anniversary (on the Hebrew calendar) of an individuals passing. Jewish tradition and ritual has surviving relatives commemorate the day with saying Kaddish and lighting a special candle.
In addition, Yizkor is recited at the following times during the year:
Yom Kippur
Shemini Atzeres
The eighth day of Passover
The second day of Shavuos
Yahrzeit Plaques
In addition to lighting a candle, Another widely observed tradition is to have a special bronze plaque placed in the synagogue. The plaque is adorned with a small light, which is lit on the yahrzeit date and upon Yizkor.
Contact Us Congregation B'nai Torah Two Eunice Drive Longmeadow, MA 01106 Tel. (413) 567-0036 Fax. (413) 567-0010 E. [email protected]